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Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism Comparison Essay There are many similarities and differences between the three ways of life we have been studying for the past week. Each has its own unique purpose and type of people. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism all have similar and different qualities. I will explain similarities and differences in this essay.The basic beliefs and concepts of Confucianism are similar to Taoism in the sense that they want peace and good behavior. The Buddhists, on the other hand, strictly have the purpose to reach Nirvana and follow the four noble truths. The overall goal of Confucian is different than Buddhism and Taoism because the overall goal of the Confucius is to find their peaceful and harmonious place in life, while the two others have no overall goal. The goal of the individual believer is similar in Confucianism and Buddhism because they each follow a certain behavior and want to be in harmony with nature. The Tao just have to follow the life according to the Tao. All of the three beliefs have a different view on life. The Confucians believe that you should be improved by education and development of your character. The Tao believed that the life you lived with the Tao ways was good and following society’s ways was very bad. The Buddhist believe that there will always be negativity in life, and that all life has a lot of suffering in it. Therefore, you cannot change that. This is why the Buddhists think reincarnation is a bad thing. There is a similar bond between the Confucians and the Tao in the category rules and behavior. They both believe that you must act accordingly in some way. These two are different also in the sense that Tao believe the life is to be lived according to the Tao and Confucians believe to live it according to actions. Also, the Confucians believed you need to understand the relationship with family, and to follow the five goals of Confucianism. The Bud...

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