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Mohammed the Islamic prophet

He well earned his place in the history books as being one of the true people who were blessed with being able to communicate with God. After having his first vision, Muhammad tried with out end to get people to listen to him preach and had hopes to win people over to his God. As good as one may think now day’s how good it would be to be blessed with the gift Muhammad had received, in his times people were very skeptical. In their minds Muhammad’s visions were of evil instead of goodness. However he was able to obtain a few followers. I plan to inform you on how his life began, the problems he encountered, and then finally the end and what his life stood for. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. in an important trading center in western Arabia called Mecca. He was born into the Hashim clan of the powerful Quarysh tribe. Soon before his birth his father died and then when he was six, tragedy struck again taking the life of his mother. This left Muhammad living with his grandfather Abd-almuttalib. After living there for a little while Muhammad moved again, this time with his Uncle Abu Talib, who succeeded as head of the Hashim clan. At the age of twenty-five he went to work for a rich and beautiful widow named Khadijah, who owned a wealthy commercial enterprise. After a brief time the two were married and tried to start a family. They had two sons, both of whom died, but then four daughters were born. At about 610 A.D., while in a cave on Mount Hira, Muhammad had a message entrusted in him by God to preach of his messages. Intermediately he received more messages throughout his life. Some of these revelations constitute the texts of the Koran. First privately and then publicly Muhammad began to preach of his revelations. He preached that there is but one God and that he was a messenger sent to worn the people of judgment day and to remind them of Gods power and goodness. Muhammad’s iconoclasm and monotheism was r...

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