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Mary Mother of Jesus

In the movie that we saw during class was about Mary, Mother of Jesus. The following essay will answer the question of Mary's understanding of her role and her understanding of who Jesus was and who he was going to be.Mary, at times in this movie was extremely confused about things that were happening to her. For example, the first time that God talked to her she was confused; she didn't know what was going on. Mary had no clue whether to ignore the voice or believe it. Another example was when Mary was at the Inn giving birth to Jesus. God spoke to Mary and told her to name her son Jesus. And now with her faith in God, she was no longer confused about who was speaking to her and what she had to do. With this newly found faith in God's plans for her son she trusted the sheppards that came to see her. With the sheppards telling Mary that they had been told by God to visit a newborn child who was going to be the King of the Jews. I think at this time Mary was certain that Jesus was the Son of God and was going to be different.Mary, as well as Jesus, was different from other people because she understood what Jesus was saying ( or doing ) when others had no idea what he was saying ( or doing .) I thinnk that Mary was an interpreter for God who translated what Jesus was doing, so others could understand. For example, when Jesus arose from the grave. Mary and everyone else immediately knew that he was truly the Son of God. So, Mary had to interpret that the Apostles were to spread the teachings of Jesus to all. Also, when Jesus was in the temple and Joseph got made at him for not telling anyone where he went; Jesus said "Where else would I be except for my father's house." The 2 other people their had no idea what that meant, except for Mary. Mary knew that Jesus was the Son of God who was trying to teach to the others that God thinks of everyone as his son or daughter.In conclusion, Mary understood her role as well...

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