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MY own knowledge of LIFE through the understanding of DEATH

Therefore, with that key word we have to look* at both positive, and negative to understand it entirely. Now after* doing so we have to accept the negative side of it, and say so did* the DEVIL. With the negative seeming to be more powerful than the* positive, we have to keep in mind that there can’t be one without* the other. It’s all a matter of ones acceptance, which will determine* what side is the more powerful of itself.* Now, we all know who JESUS is, or do we! JESUS is the answer* to ourselves. And with that comes the tool to overcome life matters,* such as the key word DEVIL, and the only true meaning of that, is* the sin word (in Arabic transcript-different in spelling to us but* same meaning) EVOL. Now the only way to overcome such a powerful key* word is to let the knowledge of itself and everything that comes with* it change it into what it is to be. And that is the key word LOVE.* The most powerful tool of self-creation there is.* But there is, however one key word we face with no control whatsoever,* and that is DEATH. But to have an knowledge of life, maybe we can* have an understanding of DEATH.* With DEATH we no longer have those key words LIVED- DEVIL, nor* the word EVOL. All we have is our tool of self-creation, which over* powered the negatives (that in all do respects) we created, cause* remember: You can’t have one without the other.* In conclusion to all this, when we are all in heaven the key* term is Gathering Of Death. Therefore, who we are is simple. Taking* the key letters of the term Gathering Of Death. We create the name* G O D So we must not be GODs creation. Instead we are the creation* of GOD. Which in looking in the name JESUS as the answer to ourselves,* we can only look at it in the way by literally spreading the name* JESUS as they say. Therefore with (Arabic pron.) J sound as H we have* JE S US. Tran scripted: HE IS US. Summary: In life to deal with the* negative and positive fr...

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