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John The Apostle

John the Apostle, one of the brothers who gained the nickname “Sons of Thunder”, was Jesus’ favorite apostle to him. John was there when they feel asleep in the garden, which he takes harshly to that he did, and he also was at the foot of the cross when Jesus was being crucified. The Romans exiled him to the island of Patmos when he was about the age of 80 for the reason that he had converted many people even when he was in jail. The Romans tried to execute John before this time by boiling him in a pot of oil, but God delivered him for the scorching oil and he got out of the pot without a burn on him. Even Roman guards who witnessed the miracle believed and then converted. John is a very clever apostle with a strong heart. He was able to trick the Roman general to take Luke’s gospel by putting the scroll on the wall of the cave. The Roman general took the scroll because he was to confiscate any Christian materials. John knew that the general would read the gospel, and since the gospels are preserved and written in a way by the Holy Spirit, the words of Luke made sense to the general. The general then was converted by the cleverness of John. John speaks of Peter the Apostle as being the strange apostle. Peter would always be doing outrageous, but funny, events. Such as when Jesus was resurrected and some of the apostles, including John and Peter, were fishing and had caught nothing all day, Jesus came to them on the shore. Jesus asked if they had caught anything, and they yelled back, not knowing whom it was, to go to the next harbor for there were no fish here. Jesus then told them to cast their nets to the right, of which they did. They caught an overflowing net of fish, and then, all the apostles knew who it was. Peter jumped out of the boat, and swam to shore to greet Jesus. After getting to land, they emptied their nets, and ate fish. John says at this time, “it felt like old times,&#...

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