The state of being complete or undivided, purity. Integrity is a powerful and uncommon trait according to todays standards. One may be defined and known by his or her integrity. A man is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has Henry Ward Beecher. In the real world today, certain levels of integrity are expected in different places. For example, where we find the influence of evil, we find a lack of integrity. Important issues include: what the Bible has to say about integrity, viewing integrity as a choice and integrity in current affairs.The Bible contains many teachings on the subject of integrity. Proverbs 11:1 says that The Bible also deals with the moral responsibility one has in the commercial world. Absolute integrity is a delight to the Lord. Integrity can be taught through almost any character in the Bible. For instance, Jonah ignored Gods calling, he ran off. God then corrected Jonahs ways with a real big fish. In a way, it would be like having God beside me in the classroom, it makes life so much easier. With God by my side I would feel no temptation to cheat or take any shortcuts. Cheating or running away from God would be taking the easy way out, as Jonah did at first. God humbled Jonah through the trials he put him through, forming him into a man of integrity. I find that, while God doesnt speak to us directly, he left us his word, full of examples such as Jonah and his disciples, to teach us to be men and women of integrity. It is his will for us, as Christians, to live the lifestyle as well. The importance of doctrinal integrity and truth is evident in Johns affirmation that nothing brings greater joy to him than to know that his children walk in truth. 2 Corinthians 10:18 says Humility, honesty, and integrity are spiritual essentials for Christian maturity.As a choice, we are free to decide whether or not we should live lifestyles of integrity or not, though as Christians it should be a desi...