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Munoa12/10/99Perpetua was not insane, but was more rational about the situation than anyone else. There was no way she was going to renounce her faith and she was willing to die. Also there was no reason for her to be persecuted because of her faith. If you are willing to die for what you believe in, then why should you be considered insane. Insanity is for the weak minded and Perpetua was not weak minded. She was the most rational out of everyone that was holding her responsible for her faith.Perpetua was trying to be convinced by her father and when he went to see her, he was acting insane himself by the time he saw her again. Even during the Columbine incident a girl was asked if she believed in God and when she said yes, she was asked to renounce her faith and was killed when she replied no. The Pope is now beginning to consider her a saint for what she has done. Perpetua wanted to die for what she believed in. That is not insanity but it is heroism in the sense that she was willing to give up life for death. She believed that she was going to a better place and if death was going to get her there then she was ready to be killed by the sword. Why would anyone persecute anyone else because of what they believed in anyway? They persecuted because they felt that their religion was the highest and all the other religions were just a figment of their imagination. Even when Perpetuas father begged her to renounce her faith, she still said no and even tried to explain to her father why she was willing to die. Perpetua died for what she believed in because she felt she was going to a better place. I think that dying for what you believe in is the most powerful thing you could do without backing down. How can Martyrs be considered irrational when they only believed that the power of life is death? That is the most rational train of thought that anyone has thought. I would die for what I believe in. Nobody can take that ...

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