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I think

I've come to the realization that if people would let go of their fear and worry about the unknown and what is strange to us that we would realize that most religions were created by ancient, un-evolved minds as a way to answer unanswerable questions as to why mankind exists, and to subjugate the masses through fear and guilt. If people would stop dying for conformity and for one second sit back and look at all of the problems religion has caused, we might actually get somewhere without some ancient book governing our lives. Perhaps then we could begin to accept each other as individuals -- not Americans, Russians, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews or whatever. Possibly then we would lose some of the fear that we have of strangers.Granted, religions help a lot of people feel more secure and safe in the world. They also create dogmatism, fanaticism, hatred, and violence. Religion physically harms people, but it doesn't physically help people. Countless assassinations have been linked to religion. The bombings in Ireland that kill and dismember innocent women and children, and terrorist killings' everyday in the Middle East, are all based on the separations of religion. If this is "God's" will . . . then I've come to the conclusion that God is one scary dude. Each geographical area in the world has it's own culture, it's own Gods, it's own version of how they see the world. Each of these, by their nature, is incompatible with their neighbors because they're so different.Why do we have to create these separations? Imagine what could be accomplished with a united human race, one nation working for the common good. A complete global-community working together. If another race of 'beings' ever happen to visit earth they will all be on the same team, they'll have the same shiny silver uniforms and they'll have put aside their separations and put all their knowledge and energy together. They won't have wasted t...

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