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History of Secularity Midterm Paper

Since the beginning of time, God has been an integral part of human life. Whether a culture views God as the ultimate authority from which everything stems or as if God is nonexistent, the very concept of God shapes their society. It seems that through the years, as our society has gained knowledge of how the world works, we have started to let go of the idea that there must be a creator.Long before the existence of technology or science of any sort, people were extremely dependent on nature. Because of this dependence they had, they saw nature as a divine source of life. They were a culture of mythology, and viewed the earth as a spiritual, living organism. Their daily life and every activity they participated in reflected their spiritual beliefs.In the mythological way of thinking, people always had questions of “who” had created such a divine world and looked to the gods as the most supreme of beings, the rulers and rule-makers of the universe.Following the mythological belief of the world as a living organism, around 400 – 300 B.C., a belief of Greek cosmology began. Cosmology, like mythology, held that the world was divine. But cosmology dealt more with the spherical movement of the earth in terms of the stars, moon, and planets. Plato was one of the leading cosmological thinkers and was the creator of the idea of “world soul”. The belief of world soul insinuates that all moving objects (people, animals, planets, stars, etc.) were able to move by themselves because they had a soul. The existence of a soul within these things did not give them total dependence. God was still seen as the builder and creator of all of these beings. A young student of Plato, Aristotle also had his philosophy of how the world worked. Aristotle, though, did not believe that the world had a divine creator. Although he shared the belief that stars and planets were divine, and those things farther away from earth...

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