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Greek Gods and Heroes

Gods and Heroes The ancient Greeks knew little of any real people except those who lived in the countries to the immediate east and south of their country. Their imagination filled the rest of the land with mystical and supernatural beings. The ancient Greeks believed the earth to be a flat circular disk., with their country being in the middle of it. The disk was divided into two equal parts by the Sea(the Mediterranean). They believed the River Ocean flowed around the world from south to northen the western side of the world and vice versa on the eastern side. The Sea and all rivers around the world received water from it. The northern portion of the earth was thought to be inhabited by a happy race named the Hyperboreans. They dwelled in endless bliss and an endless spring. They never aged, knew any disease or other unpleasant things of such. Their caverns supposedly sent piercing blasts of the north wind to the people of Greece. Their country could not be reached by land or sea. On the south side of the earth lived the Ethiopians. They were favored highly by the gods.They were as happy and virtuous as the Hyperboreans. On the western part of the earth was another happy place called Elysian Plain. Mortals favored by the gods were transported here without having to know death or anything but bliss. The place where the gods and goddesses lived was at the highest point of Mount Olympus in Thessaly. It was hidden by a gate of clouds. Jupiter or Zues was called the father of gods and men. He did however have a beginning from Saturn(Coronos) and Rhea(Ops). His parents were the children of the earth and Heaven, which sprang from Chaos. the myths of Saturn aren’t consistent , and are very different. One says he started the Golden Age, while the other says he was a monster that devoured his own children. Another belief was that love was there before anythin...

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