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Catholic Theology /Final Paper In the face of one of the biggest fears known to man-death-the Catholic faith provides a positive outlook upon the loss of ones physical presence on earth. Through the life and death of Jesus Christ (the hypostatic union of son and Father,) a Christocentric theology resolves the mystery of death through faith and grace. Gods only Sons death grants a Catholic Christian with an answer to the why of death, resulting in a realistic, yet hopeful attitude toward the loss of the physical being, while continuing to believe in the flourishing life of the spirit in a realm beyond our understanding. Atheism has always questioned the essence of religion, as Freud once said, Religion protects us from one another. Atheist Burtrent Russell once stated that he regarded faith as a disease bored of fear, but in the face of these religious challenges one still will be faced with death, the ultimate mystery known to man, often finding themselves with question. Its always easy for one to question that which is unknown, to prejudge that which evokes fear. Thus, in the event of death one will often find these questions directed toward God, the unknown, and in the face of pain and sorrow find faith to be a fruitless comfort. Marcus Borg (theologian) attempts to examine Christ in order to discover the true essence of his faith through a historical interpretation of scripture. By doing so, one can discover the truth about his/her own faith, the reality of Christs humanity, and the truth that lies within humanity through imitatio dei. The analysis of Borg's faith begins with the earliest concept of Christ as the Son of God, but as Borg delved deeper into his faith and scripture, he discovered that the Christ he once knew as a child was non-other than the Christ of faith. A man made in the image of God who saved humanity through love and compassion. But these views of Christ are also sharply contrasted wit...

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