This excerpt from the passage of “Do Not Worry,” from the Gospel of Matthew deals with issues such as faith, single-mindedness and worrying. Faith is an important part of this passage. To the people of biblical times, this passage spoke out a certain message -- whoever has faith, will be taken care of by God. He will know who has been faithful and believes in him and He will take care of them. God takes care of things as insignificant as lilies and grass (6:28, 6:30), He will not forget about you. Even those “of little faith” (6:30) will be taken clothed and taken care of. Three of the main emphasized points are water, food and clothing. These are also three of the three main human concerns. People needed to have faith that God would take care of them and provide them with everything they need in life. Matthew 6:21 reads that “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Your treasure should be your faith, your belief in God. Only through faith, will one be able to reach the Kingdom of God. This should be your single and most important focus. One’s focus should also be on today – God will take care of the rest. If you worry about tomorrow, you lose focus on what should be taking priority: today and your faith. You must appreciate what you have and not worry about what you don’t have or what you should have. God decides who gets what. Even if you worry, you have control over what will happen. If you spend all your time worrying about what the future will bring, you will never have any time to enjoy today. Only God knows if you will even be around tomorrow – what if you weren’t and all that worrying were done for nothing? To the people of Biblical times, this passage signified a focus on the “right” thing – which was having faith. “No one can serve two masters…you cannot serve God and wealth,” (6:24) clearly states what a...