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Ephesians 5816

Ephesians 5: 8-16 is about how we are the light and the hope of the world. This passage tells of how we need to live with righteousness and truth. It explains of how we must not have anything to do with fruitless deeds, but instead we should expose them to the light. For this, in turn, will make the darkness visible and the light will wake up the disobedient. It also instructs us to live a wise life and to make the most out of every opportunity we have. This passage has great meaning and speaks to us all.Outline1. We were at one time darkness but now we are light in the Lord and we must live like it. (Ephesians 5: 8-9)2. Discover what satisfies the Lord. (Ephesians 5: 10)3. We not participate in any wrong doings, but we should bring them into the light to expose them. (Ephesians 5: 11)4. Mentioning what the defiant do in concealment is shameful, however we must make the mutiny visible through the light. (Ephesians 5: 12-13)5. The light will wake up the disobedient and Christ will shine on them. (Ephesians 5: 14)6. We must be wise in how we live, taking advantage of every opportunity we are given, for the days are evil. (Ephesians 5: 15-16)In the beginning of the letter of Ephesians it states that Paul was the author. Even though the letter states this, it has been questioned if Paul was really the author. It is expected that Paul wrote the letter near the time he wrote the letter to the Colossians, and probably was still in jail. The canonicity of Ephesians has never been in dispute. Its title appears among the titles in every known list since Marions Insrumentum of A.D. 140(Wood, 19). At this time the people were not exactly sure of their purpose and Paul helped them realize what it is that God expects of them. The people were in a world of confusion, they did not know what to believe.This letter is Different than a lot of the writings from Paul. Many of Pauls writings were critical of the churches when they strayed from ...

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