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Differring Religions

Each religious group possesses its own individual world- view. Two groups, which vary a great deal when reflecting upon their world-views are the Native Americans and the Puritans. While one group holds one set of standards and beliefs to be true, the other group abides by a completely opposite set of ideas.The Native American religion functions using its own world view. Unlike in Western religions, the Native American religion does not have certain places in which they need to be more religious than others do. In the Native American religion there is no notion of essential monotheism. There is no one true god in their religion; therefore they are free to have open-ended worship. The Native American religion is also made up of a pluralist belief. This means that different tribes have different myths and rituals, although they are all part of the same religion. In the handout, Franciscans and Indian Revolt, the idea that the world-view of Native American religion differs from many others is evident. The main conflict in this reading is that men dominate most positions in religious power. The Shaman, the Native American religious leader, manipulated the people through rituals and trances. He was said to possess supernatural powers. The Shaman was both feared and admired by the Native Americans. He was known to have the ability to either heal a sick man, or kill him. It was these types of powers, which set him apart from the Jesuit priest in the reading. Originally the Native Americans despised the entire Jesuit religion. The hated their clothing, their ideas, the way they went about their lives, etc. However, the Jesuits immunity to disease made the Native Americans take notice of them. It was through this that they began to admire their powers. The Native Americans saw the Jesuits as sorcerers, just as the Jesuits saw them. The Jesuits ritual of baptism made the Indians believe that Jesuits had the power to kill people with water. The...

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