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Creationsim vs Evolution

For a long time school administrators, teachers, parents and even students have argued for and against the teaching of either creation and/or evolution. Evolution hasbeen taught in many public schools for generations because of the scientific methods andsupport it has as a scientific theory of how we as humans came to be. Many religionshold different views of how humanity as we know it was created and these people believethat students should be able to hear their side as well. There is one main problem, theseparation of church and state and the limits that are set within this statement. Shouldcreation be taught as theory just like evolution? Do other creation myths need to be toldto support other religions? Where must we as parents and teachers and students draw theline?In my opinion evolution should not be taught in junior high or high schools forseveral reasons. First of all, there is obviously too much conflict to make it worth while. When I was taught about evolution in ninth grade it was covered in a fifteen minuteperiod and dismissed. It wasnt something that was central to understanding the rest ofthe natural science that I was being taught and the teacher foresaw problems withdiscussions surrounding the issues of creationism versus evolution. If evolution is taughtin a Christian majority classroom, the students are bound to want to discuss how theyhave been brought up believing things differently. These students are in a difficult partof their lives as it is; trying to establish their own personal identities, figuring out whatthey want to do with their lives and trying to rebel against their parents. Why shouldscience teachers add to this with a theory that conflicts with most if not all religiousbeliefs. They are telling students that whatever they have been taught to have faith in isalso just a theory and that the evolution theory has more scientific proof. This creates alot of stress for the students, their fami...

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