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Creation and the Fall

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth1 (Genesis 1:1). As we look back in history we can see many beginnings, but the beginning referred to in this verse is a beginning that defies understanding to the extreme. We see one of the most amazing creations in this world in a newly born child, yet that creation pails in comparison to that of the creation on the world. Look around you and imagine nothing. Thats the way in was before the Lord gave us the first of many gifts that have been bestowed upon the human race. When you really break it down you can see that all things are truly created by God. Some may disagree and say that man has created everything from nails to computers, but the Lord created the materials that are used to fabricate this devices, thus He has created all. When we know that He created all these things, we can know that He has an eternal purpose2. Verses 3-5 talk about the creation of light and separation from darkness and how the Lord called the light day and the dark night. Genesis 6-7 reads, And God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water. So god made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so3. It is believed that the water that is spoken about that was above is no longer in existence today. This water layer that is referred to would help explain way people in Biblical times lived for so many years. Like the ozone layer the water vapor layer reflects short-wave radiation out of space. At the other hand long wave radiation is passing through. This long wave radiation however reflects on the earth's surface but, going back, it reflects on bottom side of the water vapor layer. This means less long wave radiation can reach the ozone layer from the earth's surface. The effect of this is a less degradation of the ozone layer! And, as we all know today, a thicker ozone layer means less short-wave radiation on earth. Les...

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