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Confucianism is a system of thought based on the teachings of a Chinese man Which is latinized as Confucius, he lived from 551 to 479 b.c.e.Confucius claimed that he was not original and neither were his teachings, but believedhimself to be a creative transmitter of wisdom from the past. He created a moral codeon based on ethics, humanity and love. Confucius philosophies emphasize the ideals oforder and harmony. With the idea that people should live in harmony both with each otherand with nature. To achieve this, Confucius created a system of human relationships andgood government. Government to Confucius was the highest profession. He believed thatif one had a good government everyone would be happy. In addition, Confucius esteemededucation in high regards believing that through it, one could reach the high standard of agentleman..For a religion Confucianism is very different from any other. Due to the fact thatthe Chinese see religion as a form of education. The purpose of Confucianism was mainlyto instill moral values in a person. There is no organized church or structure, no priests, nosects, and no creed for any follow. There is no worshipping or personal relationship withgod but did recognize heaven as a force of human concern. Confucius did believe that menshould direct their own destiny. Confucius taught that harmony begins in the family, whichwas a minuet of society. In which the man of the house was like the emperor or Priest.Confucius believed in a male dominated society were only males could lead thegovernment service. Confucius believe in ancestor devotion. The Ancestors names areusually kept in shrines. The duty of the father was to make sacrifices and to report anyfamily concerns to these shrines. Confucius emphasized five virtues, which are the the ideals of Confucianism. TheConfucian virtues are something that should reflect sincerity and inner spirit. The mostimportant one was ren which means humanity he thoug...

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