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Comparison of Islam to Christianity and Judaism

Islam has long been viewed by many in America as a fringe religion. When many Americans here the term Islam or Muslim they associate it with such groups as the Nation of Islam or the Black Muslims. However these groups and others like them often have very little in common with the true Islamic faith. They use the term Islam to generate support for their causes, but in so doing they often destroy the publics view of the main Islamic faith.The People of the Book is an honorary title given to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths. All three religions believe in one God and in his word, delivered through the prophets: Moses received the word of God in the Torah, Jesus and the Gospels and Muhammad and the Quran. The three religions also share a similar belief in prophethood; many Christians are stunned to hear that many Biblical prophets are also considered Islamic prophets. The Quran says in (2:136)Say we believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and the revelation given to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to the prophets from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another of them, and to Him we are submitters.Islam does have many differences from the other two religions but it does preach a message of tolerance. Mohammad said, Whoever hurts a person from the people of the book it will be as though he hurt me personally. Islam is closer to Christianity and Judaism then they are to each other since it recognizes both as divine religions where Christians have already seen their Messiah and the Jewish people are still awaiting his appearance.(Islam and the Others) There is no room in Islam to believe that God could have walked the earth. They hold God in such a high, and majestic place that even to consider such a thought is ridiculous. They can also not believe the fact that God worked for six days and then had to rest on the seventh day. God is al...

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