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Comparision of judaism and Zoroastrianism

Religion has been a major focal point in any society and in any culture. Starting from the first civilizations in Sumer and Ur to the vast metropolitans of today like New York and London, religion has been around and played a key part in lives of people. Possibly two of the oldest religions in the world, Judaism and Zoroastrinism share distinct qualities that are still alive today. Both religions are practiced but Zoroastrianism is not as popular as it once was. Meanwhile, Judaism is one of the worlds largest religions. These two religions are similar in the way that they are designed and practiced throughout history. Judaism originated in the Middle East. Judaism calls that all things are under Gods rule. This brings Judaism into its most essential feature. The most essential of all Jewish beliefs is that a single, transcendent God created the universe and continues providentially to govern it. Another important feature of the Jewish religion is the Torah. The Torah is Gods revealed instruction to his people and for humankind expressed in commandments. The covenant is also a major concept to the Jewish religion. The covenant is an agreement between God and his people. This agreement said that they would acknowledge God, agreeing to obey his laws; God, in turn, would acknowledge Israel as his particular people. Traditionally, Jews pray three times a day if they get the chance to do so. Studying the Torah is also considered an act of worshiping God. Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, which is spent in prayer and in rest. Unlike the Jewish people today, some Jews did not deny the existence of other gods from other cultures. The Jewish people had laws that were covered in the Talmud. These laws were the foundations of Jewish ideology. Women were treated unfair and were considered impure because they gave childbirth and went through the menstruation cycle. The Jewish religion has ...

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