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Building of Faith Through Suffering

Building Faith through Suffering People usually go to a rabbi for comfort and guidance when tragedy and misfortune intrudes into their lives. So what happens when the rabbi, who has counseled others concerning their despair, is hit with tragedy themselves. This is the situation for one particular rabbi. Harold S, Kushner, Author "When Bad Thing Happen to Good People," was faced with such a tragedy. Kushner had a son who possessed a terrible health condition called procera, a rapid aging disorder. Upon hearing this news, Kushner was very confused. Kushner, had grown up believing bad things happen to only bad people, and good people were virtually home free, or free from harm, with some exceptions. He couldn't understand why it had to be his son suffering. Especially since he was a good man himself who had lived a good clean life. Nonetheless he had to face the fact that he would lose his only son to this disease, and there was nothing he could do about it. It was at this time Kushner began to question his views on who suffers and why they suffer. He realized it is not always the bad that suffers, but sometimes those that are good endure it as well (Kushner 452). These views have been reviewed and illustrated through the biblical Book of Job, in which Job is a pious servant of God who, in quick succession, loses his children, his wealth, and his health. But he endures patiently. He believes that whether God gives or takes, God must be blessed, never doubted. Eventually Job makes an impatient reply to his suffering, and he challenges God to justify why calamities should strike down a faithful servant. Job believes himself blameless and ill-treated and he will not be silent. He complins bitterly , until God appears in a whirlwind with a thunderous answer. God explains he is in control. He is sovereign. All things happen with his knowledge of them. He explains that moral decent people should be obedient out of love for Go...

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