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Why was Jesus Born, and did he come into the world? (John 18:36) One phrase summarizes the horror of hell. God isnt there. What if God werent here on earth? What if he never came to set us free? If you think that people are cruel now, imagine what it would be like without the presence of God. You think we are brutal to each other now, imagine the world without the Holy Spirit. You think there is loneliness and despair and guilt now, imagine life without the touch of Jesus. No forgiveness. No hope. No acts of kindness. No words of love or encouragement. No more food given in his name. No more songs sung to his praise. No more deeds done in his honor. If God took away his angels, his grace, his promise of eternity, and his servants, what would the world be like?In hell there would be no one to comfort you and no music to soothe you. A world where poets dont write of love and minstrels dont sing of hope, for love and hope were passengers on the last ship. The final vessel has departed, and the anthem of hell has only two worlds: if only.According to Jesus hell known only one sound, the weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 22:13). From hell comes a woeful, unending moan as its inhabitants realize the opportunity they have missed. What the would give for one more chance. But that chance is gone (Hebrews 9:27). ***Max Lucado***It all happened in a moment, a moment like no other in which God became a man. While the creatures of earth walked unaware, divinity arrived. God has given eyebrows, elbows, two kidneys and a spleen. He stretched against the walls and floated in the amniotic fluids of his mother. God came near. For many people it is hard to think of Jesus in such a light. It is much easier for us as humans to keep the humanity out of the incarnation. However God put himself on earth as a human just as he intended to be. The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory- that belongs to the only Son of the Father-and he w...

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