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Bahai Faith

The Bah' Faith proclaims itself to be the youngest of the independent world religions. Its roots stem from Iran during the mid-nineteenth century. This new faith is primarily based on the founder, Bah'u'llh, meaning 'the Glory of God'. Bah's (the believers) in many places around the world have been heavily persecuted for their beliefs and differences and have been branded by many as a cult, a reform movement and/or a sect of the Muslim religion. The Bah' Faith is unique in that it accepts the teachings of what they believe to be all the divine messengers, these are Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad. The faith believes each messenger is equally authentic of the one living God. This is in line with what is called progressive revelation. What is meant by progressive revelation is that, "Bah's believe that this series of interventions by God in human history has been progressive, each revelation from God more complete than those which preceded it, and each preparing the way for the next." The teachings of these messengers are seen as a path for people's salvation. With each new messenger, more is revealed by God. Like a long journey or novel, the ones who were before prepared the way for the next, and with the next making it more complete. "Like Muslims, Bah's believe that God is One. God "manifests" his will to humanity through the series of messengers whom Bah's call "Manifestations of God". This purpose is to provide perfect guidance for both all encompassing spiritual growth and the unification of all societies. Bah's believe that all of these religions are each one part of a divine plan. The Faith first appeared in Persia (which is now Iran), where Islam was the dominating religion. It grew out of Islam much like Christianity had bloomed out of Judaism. The new believers religious ideas were based on the Qur'n, and believed that within the Qur'n, that the prophecies of it were being fulfilled...

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