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Age of science

The Advocate of ScientismI have been faced with many questions throughout life that I have been unable to answer. I have also been offered several different options to use as ways to answer these questions. Many people have turned to "Religion" to answer some of these questions, and some have turned to "Science". Through much deliberation and research, I have come to agree with the advocates of scientism. I have partaken in many great debates arguing my beliefs, but none as interesting as the one I had with a Priest. This Priest asked me to explain my position on the nature of science, the creation of the universe, and the existence of God. The Priest first asked me to explain my take on the nature of science. I told him that science and religion attack life's questions differently. Science tries to answer what happened, and how it happened. Religion, looking at the same question tries to answer why it happened. For example, Religion looks into why the universe was created. An advocate of scientism wants to know how the universe was created, and what created it. Over time science has proved several things that religion strongly believed in to be false. For example, some religions believed God created the universe in six days, and rested on the seventh. Due to developments in science, this is no longer thought to be true. In 1920, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding, which was the first evidence of the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang theory was later supported by Einstein's Theory of Relativity. Now the Big Bang theory is widely accepted by both religion and science. The priest then looked at me and asked a question I cant answer, "Why did the Big Bang take place." He said, "The hand of God played a part in causing the Big Bang". I replied, "In science, we don't worry about why it happened, but rather how and when." I then told him that Steven Hawking sees science as writing god out of the picture,...

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