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Sexuality and Sexual Identity

Sexuality and Sexual Identity In Social Deviance Kinsey argued in 1948 that "It would encourage clearer thinking on thesematters [of labeling homosexuals] if persons were not characterized as heterosexual orhomosexual, but as individuals who have had certain amounts of heterosexual experienceand homosexual experience. Instead of using these terms as substantives (real andapparent entities) which stand for persons, …they may be better used to describe thenature of overt sexual relations, or of the stimuli to which an individual eroticallyresponds." Here I shall look at this statement regarding sexuality and gender from a sociologicalperspective on deviance. In this discussion I will address the following questions: Whatrole does sexuality (and gender) play in society? How are these categories constructed? How are they maintained? And what do these categories reveal about importantconfigurations of power in American society? The "social construction" of the category of gender has had its roots firmly plantedsince biblical times: from the creation of the female, Eve for man (so Adam would not belonely) to the 1800s when women were not allowed (by men) the right to vote. It hasbeen prevalent in marriage ceremonies as brides promised to "honor and obey" theirhusbands (although the "obey" part seems to be absent recently). The role of the malebeing dominant or superior to the female is one that insists on transcending time despitemodern day efforts for gender equality in society. We (society) constructed this categorybased on a patriarchal system that places the primacy of masculinity above all else. Gender ensures a distinction between male and female, affirming male dominance overthe weaker female. And the dichotomy of the patriarchy over all else that threaten it mustbe maintained through continual reaffirmation and reinforcement. The reinforcement of gender rol...

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