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Is it ethical to experiment with animals? In my personal opinion it is not ethical to experiment with animals, but there is an upside to this. Most of these experiments are geared toward saving lives and helping the human race survive. If these experiments were not tested on animals they may be tested on humans, then that would bring the question “Is it ethical to experiment on humans?” Theses experiments have found cures for many diseases. If these experiments were not allowed, we may still be trying to find a cure for the common cold. Many people don’t realize that when they go to the doctor and are prescribed a medication that it was more or less tested on an animal, a human and who knows what else. These are the life saving cures that we all may need someday. Hopefully they will find a cure for cancer, aids, and male pattern baldness but until they do I hope that they are using an animal instead of a human. Why are Americans so interested in IQ's (Intelligence Quotient), and what do they prove?Intelligence is defned by Websters dictionary “INTELLIGENCE, term usually referring to a general mental capability to reason, solve problems and think”. Intelligence aids people in accomplishing everyday tasks. If a person had zero intelligence they would wander about aimlessly, not having a care in the world. Many people have developed several ways of measuring intelligence. German psychologist William Stern first suggested the IQ test quotient in 1912. To compute IQ, Stern divided mental age by the actual, chronological age of the person taking the test and then multiplied by 100 to get rid of the decimal point. For example, if a 6-year-old girl scored a mental age of 9, she would be assigned an IQ of 150 (9/6 100). If a 12-year-old boy scored a mental age of 6, he would be given an IQ of 50 (6/12 100). The IQ score, as originally computed, expressed a person's mental age relative to his or her chronologica...

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