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Can there be a Relationship between Ecstasy and Memory in the Human Body? Target Article: Parrott, A.C & Lasky, J. (1998) Ecstasy (MDMA) effects upon mood and cognition: before, during and after a Saturday night dance. Psychopharmacology, 139, 261-268.Additional Article: Parrot, A.C., Lees, A., Garnham, N.J., Jones, M., & Wesnes, K. (1998). Cognitive performance in recreational users of MDMA of ‘ecstasy’: evidence for memory deficits. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 12, 79-83.Rationale and Variables: The Experiment that was conducted in class determined the affects of ‘ecstasy’ or MDMA on the participants’ memory. In addition to testing for their ability to recall information it also looked at the number of false memory that were related to the actual word “slow” in the class study. In the experiment Dr. Earleywine used a list of words that were to be memorized, and recall in a given time. This study is related to another experiment conducted by A.C Parrott and J. Lasky. In their study they looked at the effects of “ecstasy” or MDMA on mood and cognition. They tested three groups: non- MDMA, novice-MDMA users, and regular MDMA users. They used different methods to test the three groups, included in the methods was word recall, which was also used in the class study by Dr. Earleywine. The result from that experiment showed that “ecstasy” or MDMA users did have memory problems. Another study was also conducted by A.C. Parrott, A. Leess, N.J Garnham M. Jones, and K. Wesnes, which was relate also to the other experiments. This experiment was conducted using three groups: non-MDMA, novice-MDMA and regular MDMA users. They used series of methods to conduct their study, and found their results similar to the earlier study. Analyzing the finding of the two studies, Dr. Earleywine decided to do a study with the mind set of making a connection between the rates of intrusions ...

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