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None Provided16

The Hidden Wholeness is the idea that in everything there is unity and integrity a fire burning in each and everything that connects things, all sorts of different and mysterious things. Palmer believes that having polarities and paradoxs is necessary. When you look at a polarity or a paradox there is a neglected pole or side, and we are trained to neglect one side. We are trained to listen to only one side instead of with both ears. He believes that this is because we are too competitive and that we look at the world through analytical lenses. We see everything as this or that, plus or minus, on or off, black, or white; and we fragment reality into an endless series of either-ors. (pg62)Palmer believes that these things are needed in the classroom, but instead of seeing them as either-ors we need to look at them as both-ands.Space should welcome both silence and speech: Most people believe that words are the only way of exchange in teaching and learning. But silence gives us the opportunity to reflect upon what we and others have said and heard. In a sense silence is a sort of speech that we have with ourselves, a sort of monologue we have with ourselves. A conversation that allows you to reflect, think or talk to yourself.When you observe a group of typical size, they can tolerate silence for approximately fifteen seconds, before someone will break the silence. This is because the silence is causing tension in the group and they feel the need to break the tension. They also feel that the only way the tension can be released is by breaking the silence. Behind all of this is fear, fear is what creates the tension. Fear is interpreting the silence as something gone wrong. People feel that they arent progressing if there is silence. Therefore they feel that talking will progress the group onto other important and worthwhile things or goals.What many people, teaches and students alike forget is that in true education silence is not frown...

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