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Owning a Television Set Versus Living Without One Is life without a television better? We are going to examine the benefits of owning a television versus living without one. First we will discuss life with a television and the benefits of owning a television then we will discuss the benefits of living without a television and life without a television.Life with a television in our society is considered normal. Television is no longer a luxury some people think that it is a necessity. People who own televisions spend a good portion of their free time watching them. It is very easy to become a couch potato when you own a television because TV can be very addictive. When you watch a television you have easy access to the news, which can be helpful if you don’t feel like reading the newspaper. Also when you own a television you always have something to talk about. You can always say “ So did you see Wheel of Fortune last night?” This is a great conversation starter. People with televisions are usually always up to date with world issues. It is a proven fact that teenagers with television will spend more hours watching television than they will spend is school. It can’t be healthy to sit for that long. Many teenagers wiil sit in school all day then go home and sit and watch TV for half the night.Life without a television can be just as or more enjoyable that life with a television. People without TV have much more time to spend with their families. They know their families much better than people with TV. People without TV also have much more time to play and be out of doors. People without televisions are not usually couch potatoes and can lead healthier lives. Without TV you have more time to enjoy good books and the newspapers. Reading is a much better use of time than television because to read you have to think a little bit more than if you are just sitting and watching TV.Life without a television can be m...

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