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Gun Control

The recent events that has happened, such as the school shootings and all the violence seen on television, has without a doubt made many of us consider gun control as a possible solution to the violence that has spread across the nation. On the other hand there is other ways to reduce the violence besides using gun control to do that, which are teaching proper gun handling and making mandatory licensing to obtain a gun. With gun control laws the government is putting the average citizen in harms way by taking there gun away from them. More important that gun control is gun safety. People need to learn not only how, but also when to use a gun. Most of the people who go out and buy guns usually don't have the proper training. This is dangerous for them and the people they interact with. There are to many people that treat guns as toys, and forget their killing power. Gun owners need to learn the responsibility that is needed to own and handle a gun. As Carol Simmons once stated, "It strikes me odd that a person has to take a test and get license in order to drive a car, but they don't have to take a test or get a license to purchase a gun. Maybe if such enforcement's were implied and enforced there would be no need to limit the purchase of guns."(Simmons 4) A person must also purchase a hunting license, which gives them permission to use the gun for hunting, but that doesn't mean that they know the proper and safe way to use it.Gun control was designed to protect citizens from criminals who should not have a gun in the first place. But only 27 percent of criminals who are in prison for crimes involving guns have obtained them legally. (Bogus 188) If criminals can get guns illegally now, how is gun control going to stop them from getting them later? There are many groups against gun control, the best-known group is the National Rifle Association (NRA), they are afraid gun control is the first step in outlawing guns. As a (N...

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