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Education has always been a crucial part of society for the past centuries. Some believe that our education is a privilege. Some believe that our education is a right. Some believe that our education is an obligation. The only obligation we might have towards education is to treat it as a privilege as well as a right, but certainly not an obligation to have an education. Education has been the basis for the success we see in our parents, our teachers, and more importantly, ourselves. Over time, people have considered and concluded that education is a privilege. Education is a privilege because not many people can afford an education, and we should be grateful that we have this opportunity that many do not have. I personally have seen that education is a privilege here at Benedictine University. This school is composed of people who aspire not to attain the idea of individuality, but rather to aspire to become one with their students. That is just one aspect of this school that makes the idea of education being a privilege more evident. Many schools do not offer such attention and caring. Many schools do not have the resources that Benedictine University attains. There are certainly people that are unable to even attend a community college because of financial difficulties. Such a disadvantage should make students, such as myself, realize what a valuable and powerful thing education can be, and it has. In some parts of society, families struggle to even put clothing on their children. Education to them is nothing but a mere image and fantasy. There are many reasons more than I have showed you to prove that education is a privilege. However, if I were to list them, the list would go on and on, almost never stopping.But education just isn’t a privilege, is it? Definitely not, education, in a sense, is just as equally a right. This is true because you cannot be denied an education based on your nationality, skin ...

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