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the lie

1: Overview of Gene Controls 1: Some cells only use some genes 3: Prokaryotic cells they can rapidly transcribe certain genes and synthesize many nutrientdigesting enzyme molecules when nutrients happen to be moving past and they can restrict synthesis when nutrients are scarse. 4: Regulatory Proteins: come into play during transcriptions or translation or after translation 5: Various components of the system have a capacity to interact with DNA and RNA or Gene products 6: Negative Control System: block the activity of their target molecule and Positve Control System: One regulatory proteins inhabits transcription of a particular gene when it binds with DNA but the action of a different regulatory protein enhances that gene transcription 1: Controls in Bacteria Cells 1: When nutrents are plentiful and environmental conditions are good bacteria tend to grow and devide indefinitely 2: Gene Controls promote the rapid synthsis of enzymes, roles in digestion , and other growth related activitys 3: Bacteria has no nucleous there is nothing separating the DNA from the ribosomes 2: Negitive Control of Transcription 1: All organisms have E.Coli 2: It lives in Lactose , and gloucose Coli rapidly transcribe three genes for enzyme with roles in breakdown reactions begin with lactose4: Promoter: recall is a base sequence that signal the start the start of a gene5: Operator: intervenes between a promoter and bacterial genes6: Repressor: A regulator protein that can block transcription 7: Operon: Promoter and operator service more than one gene8: When the lactose level is low a repressor binds with the operator. Being a large mol. It overlaps the promoter so transcription is blocked9: When the concentration of lactose is high odds are greater that a lactose mol. Will bind with the repressor. Binding alters the repressors shape so it cannot bind with the operator and RNA polymers can trancribe the genes3: Positive Control of Transcription1: E.coli...

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