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William Shakespeare was born in Statfordon-Avon, England in April 1564. The son of John Shakespeare a Glover and his mother Mary Arden who came of wealthy framing family. William Shakespeare was the eldest of three sons there were also four daughters, only one of his sisters out lived William. From when Shakespeare died there has been lots of books written about Shakespeare and his works. Such as Shakespeare in his Brie Lives written by Aurbery in the 17th century and Shakespeare Truth and Tradition written by Dr J. S. Smart in 1928. There have been many more but too many to list. Shakespeare grew up and developed a great sense of words and how to use them. He soon met a wife Anne Hathaway she was from a good farming family much like his mother was and soon they were married. In 1583 Anne had a baby girl Susanna and two years later she gave birth to twins Hamnet and Judith. Shakespeare they thought probably came to London because of this. Soon after he published his first text Greene’s Attack in a Groat’s-worth of Witte. There is a great gap in when he wrote this play and the next one.Then in 1591 he started his career as a writer, during the years 1592-1594 when the theatres were closed because the plague. Shakespeare started to really write he wrote most of his erotic poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece from 1593 to 1594. Both of these poems there dedicated to the Earl of Southampton. (I’m sure he was flattered) In the first period of writing for Shakespeare he developed his writing as much as he could ortho only two of the plays he wrote would be common knowledge to any bloke. He wrote play and poems like Titus Andronicus , The Taming of the Shrew and an early version of Hamlet. The playhouse that these productions there being watched in was built and owned by the father of the actor Richard Burbage up to 1597 then the expiry of the lease forced them out and they had the find a new playhouse. T...

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