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fire and ice1

By: Robert Frost The poem Fire and Ice is a poem written by Robert Frost, and published in 1923. This is a nine-line poem:Some say the world will end in fire,Some say in ice.From what I have tasted of desire,I hold those who favor ice.But if I had to parish twice,I think I know enough of hateTo say that for destruction iceIs also greatAnd would suffice. This is one of Robert Frost simplest poems. When I initially read this poem, the first thing that came to my mind was the biblical theory. In the second line “Some say in ice” furthered my theory. In the Bible it is told that God destroyed Earth with water the first time he came to get his people (the story of Noah’s Ark). Ice being a form of water I related the two to each other. In the first line of the poem “Some say the world will end in fire” this is where I compared the stanza to the theory. In the Bible, the book of Revelations also say that the next time that God comes to take his people that he is going to destroy the world by fire. This is the biblical aspect of the poem. As I read the poem further to get a deeper understanding I thought of other relations to the poem Fire and Ice. I was thinking that Frost wanted to basically put a question on our minds, If you had to choose a way to die would you choose fire or ice? In lines seven through nine, “To say that destruction ice is also great and would suffice”. To me this is saying you would have to choose the lesser of the two evils. Weighting the pros and cons of the two. Asking which one is better for you, a cold slow death or a hot slow death. But in the end of the poem Frost is saying the no matter which one he picks they are both going to give you the same results, death. To analyze the poem better I took each wo...

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