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a apainter a poet

animated Each of these words could easily describe the fervent brushstrokes on a painters However, it is the passion of E.E. Cummings poetry that they are meant to express.The words and designs of his works embody the same breathless quality contained inmodern art. It is no surprise that he was an open-minded critic, attentive observer, inspiredparticipant, and devoted lover of various art forms besides his renowned poetry. Theconcepts of impulsive creation which are evident in art are also apparent in Cummingspoems. From the first publication of his works to the last they have remained free ofconfining syntactic and rigid guidelines. The exact way an impressionist painter may usepotent color to convey the essence of his paining; Cummings uses vivid words to attractthe reader and make their subconscious feel his point before their mind understands it.The use of this rare technique is how he has originated a small miracle in each individualpoem. By attaining a comprehension of Cummings relationship to art, a reader can beilluminated with a heightened respect for his unique and rousing poetry.In 1945, Estlin Cummings wrote this winsome dialogue between himself and ahypothetical interviewer:" Oh yes, one more question: where will you live after this war is over? "" In China as usual. "" China? "" Of course. "" Whereabouts in China? "" Where a painter is a poet. "It playfully expresses his sense of art as a single, indivisible category. During his lifetime,from 1894 to 1962, he did not yield to any boundaries and promoted the intermingling ofdifferent artistic outlets. That mindset is what instigated his writing of the ballet, " Tom "based on Uncle Toms Cabin, a collection of his charcoal, pencil, and water color picturesentitled CICPW, Eimi, a journal of his trip to Soviet Russia, and Anthropos: The Futureof Art. These other exceptional layers to his creative genius are revealed in his poetry inmany ways. Finding them e...

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