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Robert Frosts satiric poems

Satiric Meaning Between Frosts Poems Robert Frost presents irony and satire in his poems to prove his thesis, in many ways he attacks the subject of his poem and makes it sound absurd or destroys an idea or a saying. In the poems that are described below are all related in some way with satire that Frost uses to convey his message. Which is clear, he is better than everyone he writes about and thats what creates a separation between himself and the world, I think its what makes him feel so lonely and isolated from society. In the first stanza of the poem In A Disused Graveyard, Frost establishes clear opposition: the living come today to read the gravestones and then leave and come back again once they die, the irony is that the dead will never be back again. In the second stanza he makes us realize why are they going and coming back since the grim reality is when they will die they will stay there forever, so he is saying theres no point to walking the pathways of the graveyards. In Mending Wall the direct comparison is that the speaker Frost is once again trying to defy or destroy habits or sayings, which are passed on through generations using reductio at absurdum (Good fences make good neighbors) the famous saying his neighbor says. Frost uses irony with analogies to argue that his apple trees will not eat his neighbors pinecones to attack the saying. Again its clear he is using humor in this poem in a satiric manor to incite us to understand his point of view. Frost also uses some strong irony in Departmental and Provide Provide which have both some striking sarcasm. In Provide Provide Frost writes The picture pride of Hollywood too many fall from great and good otherwise the fame and glory of Hollywood ends soon because no one can stay beautiful all their lives, then he argues that you better die young before this happens. Here is a strong satirical meaning Better go down dignified with boughten friendship at your sid...

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