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Paradise lost

Milton writes Paradise Lost in the tradition of a classic epic poem. All epic poems contain some common features. Milton follows this outline with great precision and style. His poem uses the guidelines of an epic poem and elaborates upon them to make his poem one of the most popular epics written. In his poem, Milton uses the key points of an epic poem when he traditionally invokes a muse to speak through him, includes great deeds of valor, long speeches, and a list of the protagonists Milton follows the tradition of epic poetry when he asks a muse to speak through him. It is clear that for Milton it is the poet's submission to the voice of his muse, to divine inspiration, which ultimately distinguishes the soaring creation of Paradise Lost from an insulting speculation of what happens in the Garden of Eden. Milton does not, however, present the hymn of a heavenly muse as his only defense against presuming too much. Through the book, he remains sensitive to the relationship between himself as poet and his center of attention. While he insists on the honest intentions of what he undertakes, he never neglects to expose the satanic aspect of his poetic posture. In this way Milton differs a slightly from a traditional epic. Instead of speaking through Milton, the muse is more of a second person that inspires Milton. Never the less, Paradise Lost still follows the outline of a customary epic poem.Another part of a traditional epic poem is that the hero must perform great deeds of valor to defeat the villain. Milton wants his readers to be forced to face the problem of Satan seeming invincible. Satan is, after all, an angel. He is a mighty angel that is removed from Heaven. In order for us to see the power of God, it is necessary that Satan also be powerful. It is important that Satan, a parody of God, is viewed as an eloquent, bold being; one that possesses superhuman strength, extraordinary martial prowess, and fortitude so th...

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