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Life After Death

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians all share many common beliefs such as the belief in the Gods, spirits, souls and ultimately life after death. Although, these cultures share common beliefs, there are still very different ideas and ways in which they related and communicated with the dead. The Egyptians believed the idea of eternal and actual death was incomprehensible. As for the Greeks and Romans, they also share a similar view of what life is like after death, because they believed death was seen as “nothingness”. To all of these cultures death was just a mere interruption of life and not the actual end of a life.The Egyptians lived a similar life to those of the Roman and Greek cultures in that they believed in the Gods, spirits, souls and relating with the dead. The Egyptians did not directly communicate with the dead in a physical form, instead they continued relationships with the spirits and souls of the dead. They were able to relate to the dead through their tombs, offerings, celebrations and spirits and souls. The Egyptians were able to communicate with the dead through spirits. The spirits would come to them through thoughts or dreams, but not as actual living beings. The spirits would speak to the Egyptians and aid them with predictions of what the future would hold for them and their families. They would write letters to the dead and speak of their ancestors. The Egyptians like the Greeks and Romans would hold celebrations and ceremonies for the dead. The Gods or spirits were given gifts or sacrifices in order to communicate with the dead. At the tombs, there would be gifts for the Ka and a ceremony for the dead as a way of relating to the dead and believing that they are still very much alive even after they are removed from earth. An Egyptian could make arrangements with the Ka Priests while he was still alive on earth stating that they wished to be provided with food offerings at their graves or in the temp...

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