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Driving Through Sawmill Towns

A poem Driving Through Sawmill Towns written by Les Murray, describes what a Sawmill Towns is about and what its like. The scenery is basically a man driving his car through small towns surrounded by the forests. In sentences one through five has a small description of the paths taken to get to the Sawmill Towns. In sentences nine through twelve is the description of what the town is like on the outside. “Roofed with irons, no walls” and “wear verandahs” is what Murray sees the houses and mills are like. The author also explains in great detail what working men is all about in the town. On the other hand women are also mentioned quit well, “all day in the calendared kitchens,” “sweeping her front step,” and “fetching water in a metal bucket” is what mainly women do in the Sawmill Towns. The author described his poem in four different section; firstly Les talks about the paths, roads, and mainly what is on the outside of the towns, secondly Les talks about the men, thirdly Les talks about the women, and lastly Les describes the different type of climates, such as the “evenings, nights, summer nights, and winter.” The reader gets the ability to experience the poem in many different ways on what the town is like.In conclusion Les Murray divides his poem in four sections and each section has and gives a different meaning or opinion on the Sawmill Town....

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