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Maya Angelou acclaimed poet and author wrote a poem entitled America. The poem offers words of truth of our country America. The poem begins, The gold of her promise, has never been mined. America, promises us that all men are created equal. The first problem with the promise is we are not all men. The gold of her promise, address equality. Although it is promised to all in this country, its never delivered, when discrimination, of race and gender are still existent. Her borders of justice, not clearly defined. We all have our opinions on what justice is, because circumstances differ when we speak of justice in the terms of punishment, to make up for ones wrong doing. Yet, the borders of justice are not one size fits all. Its a well know fact that our prisons are highly populated with the Black race. Its, not that the black race commits more crimes but they are more severely punished for the crimes they commit. Money is power, and its proved often in the courts. Those who have money can afford expensive attorneys unlike the common folk. This line in the poem also address the fact that justice is for some, not all. Her crops of abundance, the fruit and the grain, have not feed the hungry nor eased that deep pain. To take this literally our country has a surplus of food, that no man, woman or child should go hungry, yet they do. This line not only addresses actual food, it address the fact that this country is overflowing in resources yet these resources of opportunity have not been offered to all. Our country has also never acknowledged the error of our ways. The people we have hurt, and destroyed such as the Native, and African Americans. Instead with give those in poverty minimal assistance to sustain and oppresses instead of aid to progress. Her proud declarations, are leaves on the wind. We are a proud country, America, Blah-Blah-Blah we are superior. Her southern exposure, black death did befriend. This line speaks of the tra...

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