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number theory

I am doing this project "hooked on algebra" (H.O.A.) for my love of mathematics. I would like to share my enthusiasm with the younger generations of potential mathematicians. H.O.A. is meant to give children a one up on the world of algebra which they will be fully engulfed for the next couple years of their lives. Using new teaching techniques, developed by me I will teach these children to see patterns in factoring before the actual method. It is my hope that this will make algebra more enjoyable and more excisable to younger and younger children.I have had an aptitude for mathematics since a very young age. My father was a very integral part of the development. When I was but 'a wee lad' my dad would have me figure out things like p and ratios of other geometric type things. Although rote learning damped my lust for knowledge I still felt compelled to learn more then needed.I have a want in my life to become a college Prof. Of mathematics. This would help my people skills and cause for good reason to see if this plan of action makes sense for the rest of my life.I have 2 middle school algebra teachers and a high school math teacher as mentors. I plan to create more of an idea rather then a 'game.' My new and revolutionary techniques will change the face of algebra for a long time. It is my sole hope that all people taught with my new methods will be able to fully enjoy math to the degree that I do....

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