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Introduction A. ZeusB. American IndiansC. Egyptians II. BackgroundA. Time of the crashB. Witnesses1. Mac Brazel2. Sheriff George Wilcox3. Roswell's 509th Bomb Squad4. Initial recovery team III. Individual TestimoniesA. Unnamed witness of Roswell recovery teamB. Curry HoldenC. Glenn DennisD. Dan Dwyer IV. The Alien Autopsy FilmsA. Eighteen minute film at the autopsy center in Fort WorthB. Three minute film at Roswell siteC. Researcher's opinions V. Conclusion The Roswell IncidentThe people of the world have always had a mysterious belief that Earth wasn't the onlyplanet in the universe that supported life. This belief dates back to ancient times when heavenlyand demonic stories were told of gods who strode across the skies on their golden chariots. Talesas far fetched as Zeus who threw lightening bolts from his fingertips to stories as credible as theAmerican Indian's Cachinas, who supposedly taught them to farm and saved them from numerousdisasters. The Egyptians, who built their mammoth pyramids with only the use of man power,used hieroglyphics. These same hieroglyphics have been unofficially documented as being similarto symbols found on unidentified aircraft wreckage found in several incidences over the past fiftyyears (Montgomery 225-32, 236-37). Are these stories all mere coincidence? Some researchersthink not and have continued to unveil new evidence that is believably true. Recently, new factshave been brought up on the most documented UFO (unidentified flying object) sighting of alltime: the Roswell Incident.The Roswell Incident is a UFO crash that occurred at 11:30 p.m. on July 4th, 1947 inRoswell, New Mexico (Randal 10). Mac Brazel, a local New Mexico rancher, discovered aconsiderable amount of unusual debris while riding out on horseback early in the morning tocheck his sheep after a night of intense thunderstorms. He reported to Sheriff George W...

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