man vicommand prompt for help.*a*to append text after cursor.*i*to insert text in front of the cursor.Exiting VI:q exiting after making no changes to the buffer, or exits after the buffer is modified and saved to file.:q!Exits and abandons all changes to the buffer since it was last saved to a file.:wq, :x, ZZwrites the buffer to the working file and then exits.Cursor-Movement Keys*j* moves the cursor one position to the right.*return*move to the beginning of the next line.*j*move down one line same position*-*move to the beginning of the previous line.*k*move up to previous line same position.*h*moves the cursor one position to the left.*0*move the cursor to the beginning of the line.*$*move the cursor to the end of the line.*w*move forward one word.*b*move the beginning of current word.*e*move to the end of the current word.Deleting Text*x*deletes character at the cursor position.*d**x*deletes from the cursor position in the current word to the beginning of the next word.*d**$*deletes for the cursor position to the end of the line.*d**d*deletes the current line.*3**x*delete four characters.*3**d**w*delete three words.Changing and Replacing Text*r*replace a single character.*Shift-r*replaces a sequence of characters.*c**w*changes the current word, from the cursor position to the end of the word.*c**b*changes the current word, from the beginning of the word to the character before the cursor position.*c**$*changes a line, from the cursor position to the end of line.*c**c*changes the entire line....