A Simple Understanding of Physics Science is divided into many disciplines. One suchdivision is physics. The study of relations amongobservations we can make of the universe constitutes thebody of science, and relations among observations of thephysical universe constitutes the subject matter ofphysics. (Adair, 25) It is plain to see from thisdescription that physics does encompass a wide array ofstudies. The majority of physical phenomena investigatedhas been reduced to mathematical formulas by dedicatedscientists endeavoring to understand and explain theserelationships.A more refined interpretation of physics exertsPhysics deals with the material aspect of the inanimateworld, and is particularly concerned with processes inwhich the nature of the matter changes...the measuredproperties of lifeless matter involving no change ofchemical composition and of energy and radiation, in alltheir many forms, are the particular province of physics.(Andrade, 204). Through the scientific method and the useof mathematics, physicists have perfected formulas andlaws to describe and predict the behavior andrelationships of both matter and energy. They havescrupulously dissected each facet defining the attributesof such phenomena as movement, sound, light, electricity,magnetism and the processes of the cosmos. It was throughthis research that the foundation for the development ofthe technological age was laid. The original ideas of telephones, airplanes, computers, hydraulics, and spacetravel have all become mere realities due to the study ofphysics.In order to get a good idea of the definition ofphysics it is also important to explore some of the peoplewho gave credibility to this aspect of science. Thesepeople and their histories allow a humanization of asubject often perceived as passionless and automated. Onesuch person, who is probably the most famous amongnon-scientists, is Sir Isaac Newton. The story of Newtondiscovering gravity wh...