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poems reflecting the MAGUS

Vodou is a spiritual tradition which originated in Haiti during the period of French colonial slavery. Africans of many ethnic lineages were transportedby force to Haiti, primarily to serve as agricultural slaves. The originalTaino and Carib peoples of Haiti were exterminated in the invasion by theSpanish. During this historical period, Europeans from France and othercountries, including pro-Stuart deportees from Scotland, settled in Haiti. Because so many lineages were represented, no one particular Africanservice could satisfy all participants, especially since reverence for ancestrallines was so important. Therefore, each "nation" would take it's turn at agathering. This "take turns" approach eventually evolved into the of theVodou liturgy. During this formative period, European pre-Christianentities such as Brigid, or Maman Brigitte in the Vodou tradition; andinfluences from the native Taino and Carib populations were also absorbed.There are denominations in Vodou, just as in many other religions. Thefirst, and most widely known, is the orthodox Vodou. In this denomination,the Dahomean rite is given a position of primacy, and initiations areconducted based mainly on the Dahomean model. A priest or priestessreceives the asson, a ceremonial rattle, as an emblem of priesthood. In thisrite, a priest is known as a Houngan or sometimes Gangan, a priestess isknown as a Mambo.People of many different faiths construct altars. Even people who do notbelong to any particular faith may set aside a corner of a room where theysit and think, meditate and pray, do yoga or play an African drum. Manytimes they create impromptu altars which include many of the same objects- flowers, stones and crystals, sacred symbols, photographs or images ofthe individual's ancestors, or of members of the extended human family inmany countries, musical instruments, candles, incense, books on spiritualsubjects.Consciously or unconsciously, when we build altars we a...

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