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The Nacirema also have another interesting cultural practice. Again, it relates back to the fact that Nacirema have a certain hatred for the natural body, and must adorn it when ever possible. Early as children, the female Nacirema learn to paint themselves in an attempt to make themselves more attractive to the male Nacirema. Unlike other, cultures, who use paint, the Nacirema attempt to make it appear as if there IS no paint being used. They accent certain features, such as lips and cheeks, in an attempt to imitate early sexual arousal. Red paint is applied to the lips, making them appear flush and swollen. Pinker, lighter shades are applied to the cheeks and face in order to imitate a premature blush. Some even paint their eyebrows, in order to make them appear thicker and longer. It is a strange practice, and one must wonder why one would simply add paint to features that were already a part of their natural face. I think an assignment like this helps one to realize that we are not much different from other, less advance cultures. We all have our odd rituals and rites that we practice, and we are just as confusing to other cultures as those cultures are to us. This assignment also helps to bring us closer to the cultures that we study, and help us to understand that while different, they are in a way the same as we are - Human!...

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