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kins of heaven

8:00January 20thPirates and The MoviesThere are many things that effect people during the course of their lives. I myself don’t have anything that really affects me. Since I am a student I try to keep away from many issues that plague our society today, so it was quite hard to find two issues that I find special to me. The issues I found are on how movies can influence society bad and piracy over the internet.I think that movies play a big part in many people’s lives. Many people find themselves wanting to be in or part of the movie. Some even try to do what the movies showed them. I think that many movies can bring the idea that it is all right to do certain things. I have seen from personal experience that people try to imitate movies that they have seen. To most people that isn’t a problem, but from what I have seen many do the bad things that movies offer. To give a short example I have noticed many of my friends started thinking that in order to block out their negative emotions they need to get drunk or do drugs. At first I tried to understand why they needed to get drunk or do drugs. Then I started noticing that in many movies it is understood that after a hard days work or a bad day that it is understood that drinking should solve your problems. This is a suggesting to the audience that getting drunk is okay and especially tells young people that it is acceptable in society. I know that it effects more than movies audiences, because people who learn from the film tend to teach to someone who is their friend or associate that it is good to get drunk to fell satisfied with what they did or to drown your sorrows away. I feel that it isn’t that the movies are bad, but that people should think that it is just a movie and that they shouldn’t always have to imitate what they see.Another problem I wish to talk about is the new version of Pirates. The pirates of the internet. Stealing software has become t...

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