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The Upanishads

Understanding the Katha was at first a bit of a challenge for me, after I got through the first few paragraphs, I began to understand the deeper meaning that they try to convey. After I finished them I was filled with feelings of joy, understanding, complacency, and most importantly an overwhelming sense of unity. I know that to truly understand them in their entirety, it would require not only reading them countless times but also living every word of them. The first paragraph was interesting to me in the fact that Vajasrabasa believed he could get away with only sacrificing the most useless of his possessions. The fact that his son, Nachiketa was able to understand the sacred texts more than himself is simply beyond me. When Vajasrabasa gave Nachiketa to Death it was sad in the fact he seemed to do it so carelessly, but then again I dont think that he should be growing up with someone of his fathers character. When the boy waited for three nights I could barely imagine what he felt during that time. When Death eventually arrived, I was shocked at its hospitality and willingness to offer such a magnificent gift as three boons. This made me think that one thing that I would truly like to be able to do, simply the chance to stand in the presence of any god. When I finished the story though I realized that god is nowhere and everywhere at the same time, and that it is everything and nothing. I have tried to find a way to explain many of my personal thoughts and beliefs, but I have always had an extremely difficult time trying to put them into words. When Death began to explain the secret of immortality, I was hooked from then on. Death speaks of living in the abyss of ignorance yet wise in their own conceit, deluded fools go round and round, the blind led by the blind, I paused for a few minutes to realize how true this was, and that this has increased drastically since the time of The Upanishads. Next Death speaks of being taught by a ...

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