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Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was an interesting man with many opinions and ideas, ranging from Religion, to philosophy, to medicine, all the way to science. Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Maravia, but grew up in Vienna. He started out by studying medicine, then later, in 1885, traveled to Paris, where Charcot encouraged him to study hysteria from a pschological point of view. Then later, in 1895, making his first publishing, Uber Hysterie. Freud was the man who came up with all these theories about why we dream, and what they mean. He believes that what we dream about is what we, without knowing it, desire. After many years of work and study, Freud died in 1938. But he will always be remembered because of all his accomplishments, and creativity. According to the book, The Ordeal of Civility, Freuds book, The Interpretation of Dreamswhich was written in 1900, concluded in the great ninteenth-century debate on "Jewish Emancipation",Freuds early work seemed to have so much censorship that it blocks the Jewish socialization, and inturn makes some sort of a compromise which is the assimilating Jew. Freud was very interesting in the way that his imagination worked. He believes very strongly that what we dream is what we may un-knowingly fantasize about. Maybe we don't recognize these fantasies and wishes, but supposedly they are there. Just as the "Jewish Emancipation" was the unruly wish that could fulfill itself only in a disguised dream of some sort. As Freud points out, a wish left unrecognized and has been disguised, had to have existed in some way in order to make itself defensive toward recognition, which in a dreamwould turn out distorted. And I think that this theory of Freuds is true, because just like many others, Imyself have experienced exactly what Freud explains to us. This is only one of many of Freuds theories, but his theories on dreams seemed to be the most popular, even to this day.Freud thinks that the agent that distorts o...

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