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Oedipus Rex The Oedipus Complex

Thousands of years after Sophocles wrote the story of Oedipus Rex; psychologists named a complex after the behavioral characteristics of Oedipus. For many years psychologists have called a son having a sexual attraction toward his mother the Oedipus Complex. It is common belief that Oedipus Rex did not actually suffer from the Oedipus Complex. The basic support for this theory can be found through Oedipus’ inherent fear of the prophecy placed upon him, by the Oracle, actually coming true.Oedipus is told, by a member of the royal court, of the prophecy of the Oracle. The love for his mother and father, and the mere thought of the prophecy drives Oedipus into retreat. He fears that if he stays in Corinth, that the prophecy may come true. This is clearly one sign that Oedipus did not suffer from the Oedipus complex. The thought alone of doing such a thing as having sexual relations with his own mother drives Oedipus from Corinth, away from royalty, and the only life he has ever known. If Oedipus really did suffer from the complex, he would not have run away from his life, subconsciously he would want to stay, and probably would have. Oedipus not only fears the prophecy as a younger man, but also as king of Thebes when the prophecy returns to haunt him. Oedipus sends Creon to the Oracle to find out the true killer of the former king of Thebes. When Creon returns and tells Oedipus what the Oricle has told him, him ignites. Oedipus flies into a furious rage accusing Creon of scheming to over through Oedipus. Oedipus refuses to believe that a prophecy such as that could ever come true and that Creon was either lying or has bribed the Oracle into giving a false prophecy. Oedipus immediately demands the retrieval of the Oracle to the palace. This shows an undying relentlessness toward proving the prophecy wrong. Oedipus plainly does not want to come to the reality that would ever do anything along the lines of what the pro...

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