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My mythology

Who made who? Did God create humans or did humans create god? At first thought one would of course say God created humans. Man cannot create god! What fool would dare say such a thing! After all the definition of God says that it is the supreme being and the divine creator, not the divine creation. So of course God created man, right? Or shall we dig a little deeper into this question and examine it from the other side? Is God just a figment of mans elaborate imagination? Could it be that God is a mythological tool used by man to manipulate the mind to give explanations to the unexplainable? If this is true then humans created god. Since the beginning of mankind, gods and goddesses have been attendant in all cultures all over the world. In ancient times such as ancient Egypt man had numerous gods for individual necessities. The Egyptians made sun, moon, rain, and fire gods in which they would worship relentlessly in fear that the “Gods” would punish them by causing a drout, fire, or other natural disasters. These kind of early primitive form of gods were created by humans in shier ignorance. They couldn’t comprehend how the world functioned. All they knew was that there were necessities in the world that were vital to their survival such as the sun. They were oblivious to what the sun was, but they knew it was consequential to their existence so they labeled it as a god. Years past, and as time went by man obtained more and more knowledge about the Houck 2environment in which they inhabited. With Knowledge came the dawn of a new breed of gods. Gods that would satisfy mans starving imagination and explain their existence. Expanding from the elementary elemental based gods of the Egyptians came more evolved gods. Gods that were more than just dominators over the elements. G...

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